Nursing Schools

Searching for a local nursing program? Check out rankings for top, accredited nursing schools in your state.

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Each state may have different requirements for becoming a Registered Nurse. To find out specific requirements, click on your state.

Nursing Schools Near Me

We rank the top nursing school in each U.S. state and include information on state licensing options, job growth outlook, and median salaries. Our ranking methodology considers affordability, online program availability, and potential return on investment. Rankings also feature the accreditation status of each program — an important consideration when researching your nearest nursing schools. Many state nursing boards require a degree from an accredited program for licensure, and accreditation ensures adherence to academic standards.

California Nursing Schools (see all)

Florida Nursing Schools (see all)

Virginia Nursing Schools (see all)

Texas Nursing Schools (see all)

Pennsylvania Nursing Schools (see all)

Georgia Nursing Schools (see all)

RN-to-BSN Programs by State

Some states or places of employment may require more than just an ADN to find work as an RN — depending on your location, you may need to complete a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) before going on the job market. ADNs often become licensed RNs and gain 1-2 years of work experience before pursuing a BSN through an RN-to-BSN bridge program. However, some future RNs enter a four-year BSN program directly. The advantages to a BSN include a wider field of employment opportunities and higher salary potential.